Existential Trivia
I wanted to capture you Make you all mine Then I would run off with you So we could make babies and raise children together
Happy Birthday 😉
Happy Birthday
Life by curry
When I was 30 I could eat all the Indian food I ordered When I was 40, I could eat half, so I got two meals out of it When I was 50, I could eat maybe a third, so I could get three meals When I was 60, I could only eat a quarter…
Goodbye, old friend
We had to say, “Goodbye” to my wife’s 2000 CR-V today. So many good memories. Goodbye, Rosie.
I’m sorry
I didn’t mean to make you feel bad that day I was not in a good frame of mind I was drinking too much I wasn’t sleeping well at all I was addicted to a horrible drug called Sonata My doctor said it would help with sleep No. I sleepwalked and developed a tolerance I…
This is the first post of my website. Right now, I have nothing to say. But if I do, I hope it isn’t boring or stupid to those who might read it.